Will of John Dent
NC Archives, Franklin County Wills. Box C.R. 039.801.2;
Folder John Dent 1812
In the name of God Amen, I John Dent of Franklin County
& State of North Carolina, being of sound mind & memory, & calling
to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for men to
die – do make & ordain this my last will & testament, viz:
First, I give my soul to God & my body to the grave to
be burryed in a Christian manner; at the direction of my executors. And
touching such worldly estate as I am blest with possession, right or title of;
I dispose of as following:
Item, I give & bequeath to my beloved wife, Sarah Dent,
the plantation whereon I now live, during her life, to possess in peace &
quietness (and after her decease the whole tract of land containing, three
hundred acres, more or less, as it is by grant bounded to me, I give to my two
sons, John Dent and James Hutcherson Dent divided by a line running South from
a post oak and red oak; to a white oak on the Spring Branch, viz John Dent’s
Junior’s Spring Branch, thence East across the said branch to a hickory eleven
poles; thence South to a post oak, on the dividing line between myself and
Josiah Morgan. The west side of the line by the old plot and grant, I give to
my son John Dent and his heirs forever. And the East side as it stands bounded
by the aforesaid plot & grant I give to my son James Hutcherson Dent and
his heirs forever.
Item, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth
Liles, wife of Stephen, Anna Pearce, wife of Jeffrey, Mary Dent, Ruth Hornsby,
wife of Isaac, & Obediance Dent. After my said daughter, Mary Dent, taking
her choice of bed, bedsted & completate furniture, the residue of my
personal estate, consisting of different description of stork & household
furniture, I mean that my daughter Mary Dent to share equal with my other
daughters, exclusive of the bed, bedstead furniture above bequeathed. And I
appoint my said wife Sarah, Executrix & my son James H. Dent Executor to
this my last will & testament. In testimony I put my hand and seal this the
30th day of Jany. Anno Domini 1812.
John Dent Sr. (Seal)
Signed in presence of:
James Z.? Hill
Thomas Young
Berry Crocker
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