There is no federal law requiring birth certificates which are generally kept at the state or local level. As far as I can tell, birth certificates are not required by law. Registration of a birth is voluntary, but you cannot get a social security number without a birth certificate and the parents cannot claim a child as a dependent without same. So...
Many folks got "delayed" birth certificates so they could conduct whatever business that required a social security number. It is very interesting to me to look at the documentation that was required for proof of idendity. There are clues in them 'dar documents!
Delayed birth certificates offer far more family details than regular birth certificates. Love that!
The application for a delayed birth certificate held many family clues as the application required at least 3 people to document that they were aware of the applicant's birth. Those letters held addresses, dates and othere information. As the world now knows that the Franklin County Manager (Angela Harris) thought that such information was not valid and proceded to have all such material burned.