Every family has a black sheep. Mine has a bunch. From moonshiners to gamblers to alcoholics. All sorts.
You've probably read the news accounts of the shooting at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro, NC last week. Kenneth Morgan Stancil is accused of shooting a college employee. His motive? Hate.
According to news reports, Kenneth Stancil claims to have killed because a man was gay and "deserved to die". How appalling. He also claims to have killed others.
Oddly, family members have been scurrying around trying to figure out which line Kenneth Stancil hails from. Turns out to be my line. William Stancil and his wife Africa. His middle name, Morgan, is an old family name from my 3rd great grandmother Elizabeth Morgan who married William Young Stancil around 1835. I'm not sure if this is really the origin of his middle name, but it sure is a coincidence.
This is one black sheep I sure wish didn't belong to my family. Or anyone's family.
There's just no place in the world for hate.