April 6, 2014

All God's Creatures...

Jack Stancil, 1999 - 2014
Pets are a huge part of our families. They are as much a part of our history as grand parents, great grandparents, and so on. 

I lost my beloved cocker spaniel last night. He was old and slow, but he lived a quality life that included his very own bed in nearly every room, far too many treats every day, and even his own back scratcher. Me. It was his time. 

Jack was a part of my daily life for 15 years. How can pets not be considered part of our heritage?

Carl, Carla, Gladys and Peanuts Stancil
Growing up, we had a Chihuahua named Peanuts. Peanuts was given to us by my grandfather, who adored his Chihuahua, Tiny. 

Peanuts was devoted to me and was sweet as sugar. She died when I was in college. 

 I come from a long line of animal lovers. Loving a pet is part of what makes us who we are.

Atlas Allen and his Best Friend
John and Dillie Pearce Allen (with their little buddy)

All God's creatures, great and small....

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