But if that's my worst mistake in 2015 (and believe me, it's not) then I would be in pretty good shape here on December 31, 2015.
Just 'cause I haven't been blogging doesn't mean I haven't been up to my eyeballs in genealogy.
Genealogy accomplishments in 2015
- I've become very active in the Wake County Genealogical Society. President-in-Training, VP Communications, Volunteer Coordinator. I need to seriously coordinate us into some more volunteers! I helped get a new web site online. Check it out!- Invested in a new genealogy database since my beloved FTM is going away. I'm incorporating my move to RootsMagic with a do-over. It's a monumental task.
- I've really gotten into Find-a-Grave this year. Taken lots of photographs, beefing up bio info and pics on memorials I own, finding graves for all those I can.
- Totally organized all my digital files on Dropbox. I'm proud of me!
- Organized all my paper documentation, made sure I had digital copies, and put all the paper in binders organized by family name.
- Started taking apart photo albums that do not adhere to best practices, scan pics, organize pics. Need to decide if I want to hand scrapbook them or do a digital scrapbook.
- I downloaded all my digital documentation from Ancestry and made sure I had back up copies on Dropbox. Also made sure I attached them to the right person in FTM, which will soon become a duplicated effort when I put them in RootsMagic. Sigh.
- Volunteered for Ancestry Day at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC. Spent day 1 at the NC Archives and day 2 at the event itself helping folks get registered and find their way. Very cool.
- Spent an afternoon at the Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford, NC poking through the Hays Collection. Also spent a day at the Johnston County Heritage Center in Smithfield, NC. And several days at the NC State Archives in Raleigh, NC.
- Throughout it all, I made serious hay on Ancestry.com and all the many other databases I like to dig through. I even managed to post here a few times.
Whew! Looking back, that's a LOT.
But it's gonna be even better in 2016! Bring it on. After all, some of my best friends are dead people.
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