The North Carolina Genealogical Society presents:
J. Mark Lowe
“NC Taxes: People, Places, Time, and Delinquency”
LIVE Webinar 19 September 3:00 pm EDT, Free Viewing Period: 3-5 October 2014
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Discover the variety of North Carolina tax records, and how they can tell you more than the amount due. Learn where they are located, and when to look at alternate sources for information.
Taxation in the Americas began within the colonies for the crown. By the time, the constitution was written in 1787, all colonies were taxing citizens on property, capitation (head), livestock, and other properties. The constitution gave specific authority to the state to levy and collect taxes. For purposes of our discussion, we will focus on the levy on people (poll tax), property and other personalty.
The North Carolina General Assembly in 1715 defined taxable persons as free Males over sixteen years of age. Basically a tax list is a register of free males, land owners, and slave owners who, by nature of their age or ownership, are required to pay taxes to the governmental authority. But there is so much more to learn.
J. Mark Lowe, CG, FUGA was named the FGS Delegate of the Year in 2000. He is a full-time professional researcher and educator, who formerly served as President of APG, and as an officer for FGS . You can generally find him researching for clients including Who Do You Think You Are?, African American Lives or Biography Channel’s uneXplained. Otherwise with his love for teaching, you will see him at SLIG, IGHR, numerous webinars or at your local society.
Lowe is a professional researcher and educator, teaching at SLIG, IGHR & RIGS Alliance, researching for clients, and working on projects like "Who Do You Think You Are?"
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